Micro Peel Protocol



There are two ways to combine procedures to create a micro-peel. One way is to alternate microdermabrasion and micro peel treatments once every two weeks. If you are considering combining both treatments at the same time, it’s best to have this done once every four weeks. When both treatments are done at the same time, it can provide better results and give you that fresh, rejuvenated appearance you have always wanted.


Recovery time can vary from patient to patient. After your micro-peel treatment, moisturizers and sunscreen will be applied to your skin. Your skin might feel like you have a slight sunburn, and some (but not all) patients may see their skin turn pink for a few days.


  • Avoid swimming in chlorinated pools for a few days before and after treatment
  • Apply sunscreen and moisturizer as needed
  • Keep hydrated, and avoid sunlight for one week after
  • Do not wax the treated area for at least five days after
  • Do not apply glycolic acids or Retin-A® for at least three days after

It is safe to use makeup after your treatment, as long as you apply it over the moisturizer and remove it gently. Make sure you follow your post-treatment care instructions properly and check with your plastic surgeon if you have any questions or concerns about your recovery.




A micro peel is a two step in-office treatment to improve the look and feel of your skin. It combines the rejuvenating effects of a superficial chemical peel with the skin-refreshing benefits of microdermabrasion and or hydro dermabrasion. It provides results superior to what either treatment can deliver alone.

Micro peels are appropriate for all skin types, including darker skin types. This treatment uses the mildest form of chemical solution. For this same reason micro peels are not appropriate for treating deep scars or deep wrinkles. These issues may require treatment with deeper chemical peel solutions using trichloroacetic acid.

The benefits of a micro peel may be apparent after a single session, but a series of treatments is generally required to achieve optimal skin rejuvenation.

The Benefits of a Micro Peel

  • Remove dead, dull, surface skin cells for glowing skin
  • Improve skin texture for a flawless face
  • Even out skin colour imperfections caused by sun damage
  • Decrease the apparent size of pores for a more youthful complexion
  • Improve superficial “crepe paper” wrinkles for more toned-looking skin
  • Lightens stubborn hyperpigmentation and blemishes



One of the important benefits of a micro peel is the long-term effect it has on your skin’s receptiveness to restorative emollients. This treatment allows for greater penetration of moisturisers, vitamins, and antioxidants, which are applied daily for the duration of the series of treatments.

Good Candidates for a Micro Peel?

A good candidate for a micro peel is a healthy adult with realistic expectations about what the treatment can do to address minor skin imperfections such as:

  • Fine facial lines or wrinkles
  • Uneven skin colour
  • Uneven skin texture
  • Age spots
  • Sun damage
  • Clogged pores
  • Minor scars

A poor candidate for a micro peel is anyone with:

  • Severe rosacea
  • Dermatitis
  • Eczema


Double cleanse with appropriate cleanser

Mechanically exfoliate face(microdermabrasion, dermaplane, hydro dermabrasian, etc)


degrease skin with Purely Primed

Apply Micro Peel (Pigment Peel #1 or #2)

Wait 2-3  minutes between each layer

(Play close attention to erythema or possible frost )

The goal is 3 layers of the skin allows

Wipe down with cool water

Apply Ph Recovery Mist to cotton round and wipe down face

Apply moisturizer and spf



What Can I Expect After a Micro Peel Skin Treatment?

Following a micro peel, your skin may feel the way it does when you have a mild to moderate sunburn:

  • Flaking
  • Scaling
  • Scabbing
  • Redness
  • Dryness
  • Swelling

A moisturising cream is applied to prevent dryness. In some cases, ice or other stimulants may be applied. In most cases, these after-effects disappear as the skin adjusts to treatment, usually within a day or two. In rare cases, however, severe skin irritation may occur.

The Effects of a Micro Peel

The effects of a micro peel treatment to enhance facial complexion will become evident about two weeks after the first peel. Once the dead skin cells have had a chance to shed fully and new cells have come to the surface, your complexion looks fresh, glowing, and renewed.

In order to achieve optimal results, about six peels, each scheduled two weeks apart, are typically required.


***shelf life of chemical peels 1 year